We searched and searched patterns, and both fell in love with Red Pepper Quilts hummingbird pattern. I loved her use of two fabrics per block, and the negative space involved - I loved everything about it, except the work involved. She used paper piecing to achieve her pattern, and her blocks were only 6". I hate all manner of paper piecing - I've tried multiple times, including non-paper paper piecing - I just don't enjoy it at all. Plus, I wanted larger blocks.
I messed around with every ruler I have and tried many different methods, trying to find a way to make this block without templates or paper piecing. I found it, and the only snag is that you're making two quilts at a time rather than one. But I love the 2nd quilt just as much as the first.
My work is your gain, because in the upcoming issue of McCall's quilting (March/April 2016), there is a pattern for these quilts using super easy cutting and piecing. No paper piecing, and while McCall's gives you a template, you could easily use a ruler to make the kite shape without their template. I had a couple of rulers that worked and I'm betting you do too.

How pretty is that!! Their picture of course. I'm no photographer. And here is the Sparkle quilt by itself:

I just love this quilt!! Before they left to be photographed, my daughter couldn't decide which she wanted for her bed. I can't wait to get them back home and have one of them on there! And the other for myself, of course:)
If you do decide to make one, I'd love to see it. You can contact me through the blog, or use the hashtags #Sparkle or #Spin on Instagram. As a bonus, McCall's has a coloring guide to be used with this design on their web-site.
I'm linking this up to Crazy Mom Quilts for her Finish it Friday series.